
Computing adjusted_rand_score for 10 values of n_clusters and n_samples=100
done in 0.032s
Computing v_measure_score for 10 values of n_clusters and n_samples=100
done in 0.074s
Computing ami_score for 10 values of n_clusters and n_samples=100
done in 0.468s
Computing mutual_info_score for 10 values of n_clusters and n_samples=100
done in 0.042s
Computing adjusted_rand_score for 10 values of n_clusters and n_samples=1000
done in 0.072s
Computing v_measure_score for 10 values of n_clusters and n_samples=1000
done in 0.088s
Computing ami_score for 10 values of n_clusters and n_samples=1000
done in 0.290s
Computing mutual_info_score for 10 values of n_clusters and n_samples=1000
done in 0.066s
# Author: Olivier Grisel <olivier.grisel@ensta.org>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from time import time
from sklearn import metrics
def uniform_labelings_scores(score_func, n_samples, n_clusters_range,
fixed_n_classes=None, n_runs=5, seed=42):
"""Compute score for 2 random uniform cluster labelings.
Both random labelings have the same number of clusters for each value
possible value in ``n_clusters_range``.
When fixed_n_classes is not None the first labeling is considered a ground
truth class assignment with fixed number of classes.
random_labels = np.random.RandomState(seed).randint
scores = np.zeros((len(n_clusters_range), n_runs))
if fixed_n_classes is not None:
labels_a = random_labels(low=0, high=fixed_n_classes, size=n_samples)
for i, k in enumerate(n_clusters_range):
for j in range(n_runs):
if fixed_n_classes is None:
labels_a = random_labels(low=0, high=k, size=n_samples)
labels_b = random_labels(low=0, high=k, size=n_samples)
scores[i, j] = score_func(labels_a, labels_b)
return scores
def ami_score(U, V):
return metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(U, V)
score_funcs = [
# 2 independent random clusterings with equal cluster number
n_samples = 100
n_clusters_range = np.linspace(2, n_samples, 10).astype(np.int)
plots = []
names = []
for score_func in score_funcs:
print("Computing %s for %d values of n_clusters and n_samples=%d"
% (score_func.__name__, len(n_clusters_range), n_samples))
t0 = time()
scores = uniform_labelings_scores(score_func, n_samples, n_clusters_range)
print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0))
n_clusters_range, np.median(scores, axis=1), scores.std(axis=1))[0])
plt.title("Clustering measures for 2 random uniform labelings\n"
"with equal number of clusters")
plt.xlabel('Number of clusters (Number of samples is fixed to %d)' % n_samples)
plt.ylabel('Score value')
plt.legend(plots, names)
plt.ylim(bottom=-0.05, top=1.05)
# Random labeling with varying n_clusters against ground class labels
# with fixed number of clusters
n_samples = 1000
n_clusters_range = np.linspace(2, 100, 10).astype(np.int)
n_classes = 10
plots = []
names = []
for score_func in score_funcs:
print("Computing %s for %d values of n_clusters and n_samples=%d"
% (score_func.__name__, len(n_clusters_range), n_samples))
t0 = time()
scores = uniform_labelings_scores(score_func, n_samples, n_clusters_range,
print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0))
n_clusters_range, scores.mean(axis=1), scores.std(axis=1))[0])
plt.title("Clustering measures for random uniform labeling\n"
"against reference assignment with %d classes" % n_classes)
plt.xlabel('Number of clusters (Number of samples is fixed to %d)' % n_samples)
plt.ylabel('Score value')
plt.ylim(bottom=-0.05, top=1.05)
plt.legend(plots, names)
Download Python source code:plot_adjusted_for_chance_measures.py
Download Jupyter notebook:plot_adjusted_for_chance_measures.ipynb